8 weeks

4 months

Breed: Multi-Gen Teacup Goldendoodle
Parents: Cola (Multi-Gen Goldendoodle) Scuba (F1b goldendoodle)
Coat Color: Red
Coat type: Wavy/Straight, non shedding
Hair Curl: -/-
Furnishings: F/F
Shed: CT
Birth Day: December 12th, 2021
Height: Estimated 11"
Weight: Estimated 8 lbs
Penn Hip:Right DI: .35
Left DI: .37
OFA Preliminary Hip: Good
OFA Preliminary Elbow: Normal
OFA Patella: Normal
OFA Cardiac: Normal
Eye Cerf: Normal
Dentition: Full/Normal
Full Clear Embark panel
Clear for 160 Genetic Conditions
CDDY pending Animal Genetics
Lives with a guardian family here in Twin Falls
Cola (Multi-Gen) Scuba (F1b)
Tinys mom Tinys dad

Brody Mohomes

Breed: Multi-Gen Miniature Goldendoodle
Parents: Oliver Jay (F1b Goldendoodle) Maggie (Multi-Gen Goldendoodle)
Coat Color: Red
Coat type: Wavy/Straight, non shedding
Hair Curl: +/-
Furnishings: F/F
Shed: CC
Birth Day: January 2023
Height: 20"
Weight: 28 lbs
Penn Hip:Right DI: .35
Left DI: .37
OFA Preliminary Hip: Good
OFA Preliminary Elbow: Normal
OFA Patella: Normal
OFA Cardiac: Normal
Eye Cerf: Normal
Full Clear Embark panel
Clear for 160 Genetic Conditions
CDDY clear through Animal Genetics
Brody belongs to Porcha From "Copper Doodles" in GA
Brody's Parents
Maggie (Multi-Gen) Oliver Jay (F1b)
Brody's mom Brody's dad