Medium Multi-Gen Goldendoodle
Parents: Maddie & Theo From Aston @ Kent Family Farms
50 pounds, 20" tall, Wavy low shedding coat​
36.2% Golden Retriever, 39.4% small poodle, 24.4% standard poodle
Birthday: June 5, 2020
PennHIP: 0.52/0.55 (average)​​
OFA Elbow Preliminary Normal,
OFA Eyes, Heart, Patella, Dentition, Normal.
Full Clear Embark Panel, CDDY Clear through Animal Genetics
Coat & Color Genetics: Ff +/- Ee KBKy atat Bb Ssp Mm
Medium Multi-Gen Goldendoodle
35 pounds, 19" tall, Wavy/Straight low shedding coat
32.4% Golden Retriever, 12.1% small poodle, 55.5% standard poodle
Birthday: June 27, 2021
PennHIP: o.38/0.49 (Better than breed average).
OFA Hip Preliminary Good, OFA Elbow Preliminary Normal,
OFA Eyes, Heart, Patella, Normal.
Full Clear Embark Panel, CDDY Clear through Parentage
Coat & Color Genetics: FF, -/-, ee, KBKB, atat, BB, spsp, mm 9/10 intensity
Miniature Multi-Gen Goldendoodle
30 pounds, 18" tall, Wavy non-shedding coat
24.7% Golden Retriever, 32.6% small poodle, 42.7% standard poodle
Birthday: September 30, 2021
PennHIP: 0.35/0.32 (Better than breed average)​​
OFA Hip: Preliminary Good, OFA Elbow Preliminary Normal
OFA Eyes, Heart, Patella, Dentition, Normal.
Full Clear Embark Panel, CDDY Clear through Animal Genetics
Coat & Color Genetics: FF +/- ee KBKy ayat Bb SS mm 7/10 Intensity

Petite Multi-Gen Cavalier Goldendoodle
9 pounds, 10" tall, curly non-shedding coat
Birthday: December 02, 2021
Health: ​
OFA Hip: Preliminary Good, OFA Elbow Preliminary Normal
OFA Eyes, Heart, Patella, Dentition, Normal.
Animal Genetics PRA-PRCD carrier, will only be bred with studs clear for this gene
Coat & Color Genetics: FF +/+ ee KyKy atat Bb SS D/D mm.
Miniature Multi-Gen Goldendoodle
Parents: Bisou & Maverik
30 pounds, 18" tall, Wavy/Straight low shedding coat
40.4% Golden Retriever, 13% small poodle, 46.6% standard poodle
Birthday: December 12, 2021
PennHIP: 0.35/0.37 (Better than breed average)​​
OFA Hip: Fair
OFA Elbows, Eyes, Heart, Patella, Dentition, Normal.
Full Embark Panel, carrier for GrPra2 and ICH1. Will only be bred with studs who are clear for these traits.
Coat & Color Genetics: FI +/- ee KBKy atat Bb SS mm. 7/10 Red Intensity
​CoCo, is adored by her family and possesses a remarkable ability to sense her people's emotions, making her an exceptional therapy dog. She showers our family with love and snuggles, always seeking to comfort and connect with us and we love giving that right back to her. We have no doubt that she'll pass on these wonderful traits to her puppies, just as her mom did before her. In fact, CoCo's mom was the inspiration for us to keep her in our breeding program, and she's exceeded all expectations. She's truly one of my favorite mommas, and I'm so grateful to have her as part of our family.
30 pounds, 18" tall, Wavy non shedding coat
26.8% Golden Retriever, 41.6% small poodle, 31.6% standard poodle
Birthday: March 4, 2022
Pennhip: o.46/0.46 (Better than breed average)​​
OFA Hip: Preliminary Good, OFA Elbow Preliminary Normal
OFA Eyes, Heart, Patella, Dentition, Normal.
Full Embark Panel, Carrier for Itch. CDDY pending through Animal Genetics
Coat & Color Genetics: FF +/- Eme KBKB ata bb Ssp mm saddle tan carrier, 5/10 Intensity
Petite Multi-Gen Goldendoodle
7.5 pounds, 9" tall, Wavy non-shedding coat
16.8% Golden Retriever, 59.6% small poodle, 23.6% standard poodle
Birthday: July 3, 2022
PennHIP: 0.35/0.37 (Better than breed average)​​
OFA Hip: Preliminary Good, OFA Elbow Preliminary Normal
OFA Eyes, Heart, Patella, Dentition, Normal.
Full Clear Embark Panel, CDDY Clear through Animal Genetics
Coat & Color Genetics: FF +/- ee KBKy atat BB Ssp mm. 9/10 Red Intensity
Miniature Multi-Gen Goldendoodle
22 pounds, 14" tall, Wavy/Straight non shedding coat
17.4% Golden Retriever, 23.5% small poodle, 59.1% standard poodle
Birthday: July 3, 2022
PennHIP: 0.35/0.37 (Better than breed average)​​
OFA Hip: Preliminary Good, OFA Elbow Preliminary Normal
OFA Eyes, Heart, Patella, Dentition, Normal.
Full Clear Embark Panel, 1 copy CDDY through Animal Genetics
Coat & Color Genetics: FF +/- ee KBKy ayat BB spsp mm. 7/10 Intensity
Petite Multi-Gen Goldendoodle
Peanut is such a Joy. She is our daughter's emotional support animal and it is amazing to see her provide that comfort and support for her. Peanut senses when she is off or stuggeling with anxiety or even having a panic attack. She is usually the only thing that can pull her out of that panic. She is everyones favorite and looks just like a perpetual puppy. She is a snuggle buddy for all of our kids and wants to be with the people. Her favorite place is in the lap of anyone that will have her. lol She very smart and we have truly loved having her as our first goldendoodle.
14 pounds, 13.5" tall, Wavy/Straight non shedding coat
23.7% Golden Retriever 62.7% small poodle, 13.6% standard poodle
Birthday: February 9, 2023
Pennhip: o.44/0.43 (Better than breed average)​​
OFA Hip: Preliminary, OFA Elbow Preliminary Normal
OFA Eyes, Heart, Patella, Dentition, Normal.
Full clear Embark Panel,
Coat & Color Genetics: FF -/- ee KbKb ayat BB SS mm 1 copy saddle tan 7/10 intensity

Petite Multi-Gen Cavalier Goldendoodle
Parents: Wendy & Prinston
20 pounds, 15" tall, Wavy non shedding coat
10.2% Golden Retriever, 49.6% small poodle, 19.1% standard poodle 21.1% Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Birthday: February 15, 2023
OFA Hip: Preliminary Good, OFA Elbow Preliminary Normal
Heart, Patella, Dentition, Normal.
carrier for Skeletal Dysplasia SD2, 1 copy CDDY, Full Embark Panel
Coat & Color Genetics: Ff +/- ee KBKB atat BB spsp mm. 8/10 Intensity
Upcoming Moms
"Petite" Multi-Gen Goldendoodle
Georgia is great. After years of begging her mom and stalking our website her 11 year old guardian owner finally got to bring home a Magic Valley Family Doodle. She is loving on little Miss Georgia and thoroughly enjoying her.
17 pounds, " 14 tall, Wavy/Straight non shedding coat
28% Golden Retriever 26.3% small poodle, 45.7% standard poodle
Birthday: December 25, 2023
OFA Hip:
OFA Eyes, Heart, Patella, Dentition,
Full clear Embark Panel, CDDY clear through Parentage
Coat & Color Genetics: FF -/- ee KyKy ata Bb SS mm 9/10 intensity
"Petite" Multi-Gen Goldendoodle
Parents: Freddie Lou & Rooster
20 pounds, 15" tall, Wavy non shedding coat
22.2% Golden Retriever, 63.4% small poodle, 14.4% standard poodle
Birthday: June 5, 2024
OFA Hip:
OFA Eyes, Heart, Patella, Dentition,
Full Clear Embark Panel, could carry CDDY from mom
DCM1(PDK4, Doberman Pinscher Variant 1) -
Coat & Color Genetics: FF +/- ee KbKy ayat BB Ssp mm. 10/10 Intensity