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Miniature Multi-Gen Goldendoodle

  • 30 pounds, 17" tall, Wavy/Straight low shedding coat

  • 20.8% Golden Retriever / 43.8% small poodle / 35.4% standard poodle

  • Birthday: April 22, 2019

  • Health: PennHIP: 0.38/0.41 (Better than breed average).                                           OFA Hip Preliminary Good, OFA Elbow Preliminary Normal,                                       OFA Eyes, Heart, Patella, Normal. Full Clear Embark Panel, CDDY Clear through Parentage 

  • Coat & Color Genetics: Ff, -/- curl ee KBKB ata BB Ssp mm  9/10 intensity

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Genetic testing panel link

Masi & Goose

Multi-Gen Mini Goldendoodles
20-25 lbs

Born: November 18, 2023

Go Home: January, 12, 2024

Mr Black: Available

Miss Purple: Nancy Murphy (Burley, ID

Miss Pink: Paula Stuart (Eagle, ID

Mr Green: Butch Slaughter (Spoken, WA).

Miss Tan: Chris Bahr (Hermiston, OR)

Mr Orange: Yiqi Pen (Bellevue, WA)

Miss Yellow: Denise Guesno (Long Beach, CA)

Mr Blue: Brook Thornton (Boise, ID)


Masi/Goose 11/18/2023

This channel is coming soon!

10 weeks

Make sure you are prepared! 7 weeks

(Miss Pink) -wavy/straight/Red  (Miss Purple) -wavy/straight/Red 

(Miss Yellow) -wavy/straight/Apricot Abstract (Miss Tan) -wavy/straight/Apricot Tuxedo

 (Mr Green) -wavy/straight/Red (Mr Blue) -wavy/straight/Apricot Abstract

(Mr Orange) -wavy/straight/Apricot/Red Tuxedo (Mr Black) -wavy/straight/Apricot Tuxedo

A few tips to remember when you first meet your puppy:

  • Puppies use smell as their primary sense.  Let them smell and greet you before you pick them up.  

  • If you are bringing kids, remind them that high pitch noises or squealing is stressful for the puppy.  They should greet the puppy calmly and quietly and let the puppy smell them first. 

  • Take them straight to your potty area first thing when you get home.  Pick them up and carry them there.  Bring treats to reward potty immediately then take them in the house and let them sniff around to get used to a new place. 

  • Introduce your existing pets one at a time and only when both dogs are calm.  If your dog jumps and barks and cries when you walk in the door then that is not a good time to introduce the new puppy.  Outside or in a neutral house location is also best i.e. don't take the puppy to your older dog's favorite bed to meet him.  

  • The babies still sleep almost as much as they are awake.  If your puppy is acting really hyper he may be overstimulated.  Put him in his crate or on a bed in a quiet location to settle down. Add a chew toy if he is having trouble settling. If he  still won't calm down then take him outside again for a few minutes and ignore him as he runs around then try settling down again. 

  • Remind kids that if the puppy is on his bed or in his crate he is off limits.  Puppies should have a safe place to go to when they have had enough 'kid' time. 

  • It's not unusual for them to refuse food or eat only a little for a couple of days. Don't panic. They will eat when needed.

Feeding: We give our puppies free access to water all the time during the day.  Take water up a couple of hours before bedtime. Your puppy is eating 2-3 times a day.  If they are eating 3 times a day many will naturally start to "back off" or not finish one of those meals at about 3-6 months of age.  This is fine, and this is a good time to go down to 2 meals a day, just distribute the same amount you fed as 3 meals into 2 meals.  A similar thing can happen at about 8 months to a year when many puppies naturally go down to 1 meal.  By the time your dog is a year old, unless there's a veterinary reason not to, it's best to bring your dog down to 1 meal a day. You can start this schedule as early as 8 months.  In your take home folder your puppy comes home with  you will find a 6 page document that will go over food and feeding to help you know what to do and expect.  

Petite (expected 10-20 lbs) doodles are eating about ¼ cup – ½ cup of food split into thirds or half and eating 2-3 times a day.

Miniature (expected 20-30 lbs) doodles are eating about ½ cup – ¾ cup of food split into thirds or half and eating 2-3 times a day.

Medium (expected 35-50 lbs) doodles are eating about ¾ cup – 1 cup of food split into thirds or half and eating 2-3 times a day.

Pleas be sure to read through our preparation page found here ...  Take home preparation page--


6 weeks What do you need?

(Miss Pink) -wavy/straight/Red  (Miss Purple) -wavy/straight/Red 

(Miss Yellow) -wavy/straight/Apricot Abstract (Miss Tan) -wavy/straight/Apricot Tuxedo

 (Mr Green) -wavy/straight/Red (Mr Blue) -wavy/straight/Apricot Abstract

(Mr Orange) -wavy/straight/Apricot/Red Tuxedo (Mr Black) -wavy/straight/Apricot Tuxedo

Puppies are preparing to go home in a couple weeks!  I know everyone is excited to finally meet their puppy and start this new venture with their baby.  A new puppy is always an exiting and welcome addition. We know that many of these babies will be going to families who have been planning and preparing for this little puppy for quite some time so the anticipation is very high.  In these coming weeks these little ones will go to see the vet for their vet check.  I will include vet notes and a medication record with your take home packet. 

There are really just a couple of things that you really have to have before you bring a puppy home. 

1. Collar and leash.  get a size "small" collar and a plain flat leash. 

2. Crate and pad.  See our Supply page to determine the size of crate to get.  For the crate you go off of the expected adult height. 

Teacup Range: Height between 10-12 inches typically between 5-10 lbs.

Petite range: height between 12-16 inches typically between 10-25 lbs.

Miniature range: Height:  15-18 inches at wither, typically 20-35 lbs.
Medium range: Height: over 18 but under 22 inches at wither, typically 30-50 lbs.
Standard range: Height: over 22 inches at wither, typically 45 or more lbs.
(height is measured from the floor to the top of the shoulder (wither)

3.  Food.  You should already have ordered your food and it should arrive before your puppy comes home.  If not talk to me and I might be able to help you. 

3. Chew toys.  You need to have something for those little teeth to chew on.  We've given lots of ideas in our take home information.  If you don't provide something they will find something. 

We gave the puppies their first full bath this week.  Usually at first they act a little reserved but quickly warm up to the idea. Lots of our doodles are influenced by their poodle ancestors and they absolutely love water. After their bath they had their first little mini grooming session.  We trimmed their back sides to help keep them clean (mom usually stops cleaning them when they started eating solid foods) and we cute the hair out of the corner of their eyes so that their vision development is unobstructed.  As always we keep their little razor sharp toenails trimmed as well. The puppies have gotten really fun to watch playing together.  

This is week 4 of the socialization period. Puppies have now learned to take food from my hand and are doing great with manding.  Every time we feed the puppies we call them with a high pitch "here pup, pup, pup, pup, pup, pup" similar to how you hear people call a kitty.  They now have a great recall down and will come any time I call out like this.  It is so important to have a good "recall" with a puppy to help keep them from trouble.  This recall will transition to the dogs name once you have him/her in your home.

The babies are all doing great sleeping in crates.  They still usually pile into one crate together but we offer them a couple of sizes of crates and they sometimes nap all alone.  We don't close the door with them and we don't have them sleeping separately at this stage.

The puppies have begun to spend more time outside during the day.  The spend time outside every day now, sun, rain or snow.  All dogs need to be comfortable with going outside in all kinds of weather.

The puppies are all very steady on their feet now and are getting really playful (especially with each other).  They are doing great with their potty training by using the potty area about 95% of the time and they are keeping their beds clean all of the time. We introduced crates to the puppies this past week and they love them. We put all their soft bedding in the crates to encourage them to choose the crate for sleeping.  They usually all pile in one crate together as they still need each other for warmth and comfort.  

Puppies have compleetly transitioned over to solid dry crunch kibble.

The puppies have begun to learn and be shaped by other adult dogs in the household but especially mom.  Learning dog manners is a skill that can only be taught by other dogs! We always watch interactions with other dogs closely. Mom is really the best teacher as she will stop or pin puppies that are overly energetic or that aren't picking up on cues to settle down.  This interaction is important to learning good dog social skills. They are also learning how to use their teeth without causing damage.  They teach each other that lesson as they constantly mouth and play with each other.


The puppies had their Neopar vaccines last week.  Neopar helps develop immunity to Parvo--it is the only vaccine that is effective at this young age as these puppies still have passive immunity from nursing with mom.  Some vets prefer to give full immunizations at 6 weeks of age but shots at this early stage are less than 30% effective.  They have a much better immune response at 8 weeks. Our neonatal specialist recommends waiting until 8 weeks for full immmunization.  Parvo is the most prevalent puppy illness so getting a head start with Neopar is important.  We will talk more about vaccines in the take home information.


Masi/Goose  3 weeks

(Miss Pink) -wavy/straight/Red  (Miss Purple) -wavy/straight/Red 

(Miss Yellow) -wavy/straight/Apricot Abstract (Miss Tan) -wavy/straight/Apricot Tuxedo

 (Mr Green) -wavy/straight/Red (Mr Blue) -wavy/straight/Apricot Abstract

(Mr Orange) -wavy/straight/Apricot/Red Tuxedo (Mr Black) -wavy/straight/Apricot Tuxedo

Everyone has their eyes open and this past week the babies all started to toddle around really well. They are also starting to find their little voices growling and an occasional little bark. This week we will introduce a new bed/sleeping area along with a pee/pooping area to help start these little ones on a path to easier potty training. In the beginning we have one small soft bed area and the rest of the pen is potty area.  We use the puppies' natural instinct to keep their bed clean to help with potty training. The minute they step off their bed to go potty they will be in the desired area. Once they are accustomed to using the paper/grate area for potty we will gradually be able to make their play/sleep area bigger and their pee/poop area smaller. They will have their first nail trim this week. We use a dremel nail trimmer to trim their sharp little nails to help prevent them from scratching momma while nursing.  Using the dremel tool to trim their nails also helps to prep them and get them used to a life time of grooming.  The vibration from the dermal tool helps to desensitize them to that feeling and normalize the use of something with a vibration on their body. This helps them to not feel anxious with something like clipper blades coming near them.  We will use this device on them on a regular basis to help prep them for the life time of grooming they will require as a doodle. 

This week puppies will leave the transitional period and will enter the socialization period.  During this time their ears open and they begin to hear.  The puppies live in our living room so they are naturally exposed to a variety of noises that will help them adjust to family life: TV/movies in the background, children playing, vacuums running etc.are all familiar sounds to these babies.  Over the next week we will also work on some startle recovery exercises. For startle recovery exercises we will randomly make sudden unusual noises that may startle the puppies ever so slightly to help shape their emotional responses. We watch closely to make sure there isn't a fear response and if necessary we will work with individual puppies more gradually to help them adjust to the noises. 


Masi/Goose  2 weeks

(Miss Pink) -wavy/straight/Red  (Miss Purple) -wavy/straight/Red 

(Miss Yellow) -wavy/straight/Apricot Abstract (Miss Tan) -wavy/straight/Apricot Tuxedo

 (Mr Green) -wavy/straight/Red (Mr Blue) -wavy/straight/Apricot Abstract

(Mr Orange) -wavy/straight/Apricot/Red Tuxedo (Mr Black) -wavy/straight/Apricot Tuxedo

The puppies are all doing great.  Everyone has their eyes open now.   It will take a little while for them to be able to see clearly. They are starting to move around more and more.  We've begun handling the puppies a lot more as mom isn't quite as nervous to have them away from her for a few minutes. Handling by young children is a daily occurrence here at the Thompson household because we have a built in 7 year old to help socialize them! 

At two weeks of age the puppies leave the neonatal period and enter what is called the transitional period.  Traditional period is typically between days 14-21.  During this time we will begin to introduce them to a new novel item (toy, new bedding etc.) and or a new experience daily.  These items and experiences will help to build a healthy startle/recover/curiosity/exploration cycle to lay the foundation for a confident puppy. This week we will take a dermal nail trimmer to the puppies nails for a few seconds at a time to begin to get them used to vibration and trimming of the nails.  These puppies will have a lifetime of grooming and will need to be handled on their feet and toes on a regular bases.  Early exposure to common grooming practices will help them be relaxed during grooming for the rest of their lives.  

Masi/Goose  1 week

(Miss Pink) -wavy/straight/Red  (Miss Purple) -wavy/straight/Red 

(Miss Yellow) -wavy/straight/Apricot Abstract (Miss Tan) -wavy/straight/Apricot Tuxedo

 (Mr Green) -wavy/straight/Red (Mr Blue) -wavy/straight/Apricot Abstract

(Mr Orange) -wavy/straight/Apricot/Red Tuxedo (Mr Black) -wavy/straight/Apricot Tuxedo

Puppies are 1 week old.  Babies are all growing right on schedule.  These first 3 weeks they grow so fast!

Momma is still doing most of the work right now feeding, cleaning, and keeping them warm and happy.  We are enjoying giving them short times of daily handling and ENS.      

 The puppies are entering their 2nd week of the Neonatal period.  We will continue doing ENS until they are 16 days old.  At this stage the puppies can't see or hear--Their primary sense is smell and touch.  They are surprisingly agile little crawlers but they aren't able to get up on their feet yet.  They rely on stimulation from mama to go potty and they rely on mom and each other to regulate body temperature.  Over the next week they will start opening their eyes and then their ears and they will begin creeping around the box more as they can regulate  their body temperature a little more.  We handle each baby every day and we hold them in positions that help to stimulate the development of neuro-pathways that will pave the way for learning and training. 

Masi/Goose Newborn

(Miss Pink) -wavy/straight/Red  (Miss Purple) -wavy/straight/Red 

(Miss Yellow) -wavy/straight/Apricot Abstract (Miss Tan) -wavy/straight/Apricot Tuxedo

 (Mr Green) -wavy/straight/Red (Mr Blue) -wavy/straight/Apricot Abstract

(Mr Orange) -wavy/straight/Apricot/Red Tuxedo (Mr Black) -wavy/straight/Apricot Tuxedo

Masi waited to start having her babies until I was gone out of the house.  She did a great job and we were back with her for the last 4 puppies. She had them all cleaned up and moving.  Masi has always cleaned up and taken care of her babies just like a good momma.  Her labor lasted about 3 hours start to finish.  She has settled in and is spending all her time with her puppies.  This is Masi'e retirement litter and is also her largest litter.   Masi is resting now and perfectly content.  Just like most of our new mommas we had to take her by the collar and drag her away from her babies to get her to go out to the bathroom.  She went out and did her business but ran right back into those little ones to snuggle up and keep them warm. She is a good momma who is attentive and nurturing.  

The puppies have transitioned through delivery are now in the Neonatal period. The Neonatal period last for two weeks.  During this time we pay close attention to the little pups to be sure each is thriving and growing. We watch weights and observe feedings to make sure everyone is eating and gaining weight.  Momma does most of the work right now and we just do a lot of observation.  Mom will tend and care for her puppies instinctively and make sure all is well by keeping them fed, clean, and warm. She licks constantly to stimulate their elimination systems and to keep them clean. We will begin Early Neurological Stimulation on day three.  ENS is a an exercise developed by puppy behaviorists and trainers that is designed to stimulate neuro-pathway growth and start the physiological basis for resistant and predictable neurological development. Is takes only a few seconds per puppy. We hold each puppy upright, head-down down and flat on the back.  Then we apply pressure to one paw near the toes and then set them on a cold cloth.  Each exercise is done for to 2-3 seconds. We will also clip sharp little toenails as needed.

red and white wavy coat goldendoodle
23 pounds, 17" tall
Red Abstract



Multi-F1b Goldendoodle

40 pound, 21" tall




Masi & James
large Miniature/Small Medium Multi-generational Goldendoodles 30-40 lbs
Born: November 6th, 2021
Match Date: Tuesday December 14th
Go home: Thursday December 30th

Masi hap puppies and everyone is doing great. Their are 5 females and 1 male. They are all a nice pretty apricot/red color and will have a wavy no-shedding/low shedding coat.  

Masi/James Waiting List

1) Maria Greeley (Miss White)  

2) Teresa Boban (Miss Light Blue) 

3) Shellie Nickell (Miss Pink) 

4) Stacy Reynolds (Miss Purple) 

5) Alyssa  Bell (Miss Yellow) 

6) Chaney Snarr (Mr Green) 

Masi/James 11/6/2021

This channel is coming soon!

6 weeks What do you need?

(Pink Girl) -wavy apricot/red (Purple Girl) -wavy apricot/red

(White)-wavy apricot/red (Yellow) -wavy apricot/red

(Light Blue) -wavy apricot/red (Green Boy) -wavy apricot/red

Puppies are preparing to go home in a couple weeks!  I know everyone is excited to finally meet their puppy and start this new venture with their baby.  A new puppy is always an exiting and welcome addition. We know that many of these babies will be going to families who have been planning and preparing for this little puppy for quite some time so the anticipation is very high.  In these coming weeks these little ones will go to see the vet for their vet check.  I will include vet notes and a medication record with your take home packet. 

There are really just a couple of things that you really have to have before you bring a puppy home. 

1. Collar and leash.  get a size "small" collar and a plain flat leash. 

2. Crate and pad.  See our Supply page to determine the size of crate to get.  For the crate you go off of the expected adult height. 

Teacup Range: Height between 10-12 inches typically between 5-10 lbs.

Petite range: height between 12-16 inches typically between 10-25 lbs.

Miniature range: Height:  15-18 inches at wither, typically 20-35 lbs.
Medium range: Height: over 18 but under 22 inches at wither, typically 30-50 lbs.
Standard range: Height: over 22 inches at wither, typically 45 or more lbs.
(height is measured from the floor to the top of the shoulder (wither)

3.  Food.  You should already have ordered your food and it should arrive before your puppy comes home.  If not talk to me and I might be able to help you. 

3. Chew toys.  You need to have something for those little teeth to chew on.  We've given lots of ideas in our take home information.  If you don't provide something they will find something. 

We plan to give the puppies their first full bath this week.  Usually at first they act a little reserved but quickly warm up to the idea. Lots of our doodles are influenced by their poodle ancestors and they absolutely love water.


After their bath they will have their first little mini grooming session.  We trim their back sides to help keep them clean (mom usually stops cleaning them when they started eating solid foods) and we cute the hair out of the corner of their eyes so that their vision development is unobstructed.  As always we keep their little razor sharp toenails trimmed as well. The puppies have gotten really fun to watch playing together.  

The puppies receive fenbendazole (dewormer medicine) this week .

This is week 4 of the socialization period. Puppies have now learned to take food from my hand and are doing great with manding.  Every time we feed the puppies we call them with a high pitch "here pup, pup, pup, pup, pup, pup" similar to how you hear people call a kitty.  They now have a great recall down and will come any time I call out like this.  It is so important to have a good "recall" with a puppy to help keep them from trouble.  This recall will transition to the dogs name once you have him/her in your home.

The babies are all doing great sleeping in crates.  They still usually pile into one crate together but we offer them a couple of sizes of crates and they sometimes nap all alone.  We don't close the door with them and we don't have them sleeping separately at this stage.  


Masi/Jamison 5 week

(Pink Girl) -wavy apricot/red (Purple Girl) -wavy apricot/red

(White)-wavy apricot/red (Yellow) -wavy apricot/red

(Light Blue) -wavy apricot/red (Green Boy) -wavy apricot/red

This week the puppies will begin to spend more time outside during the day when we have nice weather.  They will eventually spend time outside every day sun, rain or snow.  All dogs need to be comfortable with going outside in all kinds of weather.

The puppies are all very steady on their feet now and are getting really playful (especially with each other).  They are doing great with their potty training by using the potty area about 95% of the time and they are keeping their beds clean all of the time. We introduced crates to the puppies this past week and they love them. We put all their soft bedding in the crates to encourage them to choose the crate for sleeping.  They usually all pile in one crate together as they still need each other for warmth and comfort.  

Puppies are now transitioning over to solid dry crunch kibble as they are getting their teeth. We will keep offering soft food until they all have their molars.

This is week three of the socialization period. This week the puppies have begun to learn and be shaped by other adult dogs in the household but especially mom.  Learning dog manners is a skill that can only be taught by other dogs! We always watch interactions with other dogs closely. Mom is really the best teacher as she will stop or pin puppies that are overly energetic or that aren't picking up on cues to settle down.  This interaction is important to learning good dog social skills. They are also learning how to use their teeth without causing damage.  They teach each other that lesson as they constantly mouth and play with each other.

We will give the puppies their Neopar vaccines this week.  Neopar helps develop immunity to Parvo--it is the only vaccine that is effective at this young age as these puppies still have passive immunity from nursing with mom.  Some vets prefer to give full immunizations at 6 weeks of age but shots at this early stage are less than 30% effective.  They have a much better immune response at 8 weeks. Our neonatal specialist recommends waiting until 8 weeks for full immmunization.  Parvo is the most prevalent puppy illness so getting a head start with Neopar is important.  We will talk more about vaccines in the take home information.

This week our puppies usually hit what is called a fear period.  This period can last only an hour or a few days.  We will take extra care to be sure that if they exhibit any fear towards anything we will scale back and individually help them overcome those fears slowly.  Yawning, crying, hiding or avoiding are all signs of fear in a puppy. This is also the week we begin "Manding" with the puppies.  Manding is teaching the puppy to sit to 'say please.'  This type of sit is not a cued behavior (we aren't asking them to sit), we are just instilling a natural instinct to settle down and sit calmly to get what they want.  It's a way for them to communicate with us in a polite way.  We simply approach them with a handful of soft treats and we give a treat to any puppy sitting quietly.  We ignore the puppies that are jumping and pawing us.  Eventually they all catch on that sitting nicely is what gets the reward.  Peer pressure is a great thing with puppies! By the end of this week they will all have caught on and will begin expressing this very desirable behavior whenever we approach the pen.

The puppies had their first barrier challenge this past week.  For a mental challenge that encourages problem solving and stress tolerance, we introduce a barrier that they have to navigate to get to their food.  It can be as simple as putting their food around a corner at first. We allow each puppy to negotiate the challenge at their own pace and we watch each puppy to make sure they successfully navigate to their food before we make things harder.

Masi/Jamison 1 week

(Pink Girl) -wavy apricot/red (Purple Girl) -wavy apricot/red

(White)-wavy apricot/red (Yellow) -wavy apricot/red

(Light Blue) -wavy apricot/red (Green Boy) -wavy apricot/red

Puppies are 1 week old and have all almost doubled their weight.  These first 3 weeks they grow so fast!

Momma is still doing most of the work right now feeding, cleaning, and keeping them warm and happy.  We are enjoying giving them short times of daily handling and ENS daily.      

 The puppies are entering their 2nd week of the Neonatal period.  We will continue doing ENS until they are 16 days old.  At this stage the puppies can't see or hear--scent is their main interaction with the world.  They are surprisingly agile little crawlers but they aren't able to get up on their feet yet.  Their eyes should open somewhere between 10 days and 2 weeks. 


Masi/Jamison 4 weeks

(Pink Girl) -wavy apricot/red (Purple Girl) -wavy apricot/red

(White)-wavy apricot/red (Yellow) -wavy apricot/red

(Light Blue) -wavy apricot/red (Green Boy) -wavy apricot/red

Puppies are all steady on their feet now and are starting to get more and more playful.  They are doing great with their potty training by using the potty area about 75% of the time.  When they don't use their potty area they are using their play area--they are keeping their sleep area completely clean.  

This is week two of the socialization period. Their little teeth are starting to erupt so this week puppies will start on solids and begin the process of weaning.  We take our cues from mama--when she starts standing up to nurse we know it's time to introduce soft solid foods.  First we will use ground food mixed with water. As they get used to eating and swallowing we will use regular food soaked in water until it is soft.  Mom has already started to wean by spending less time in the box with them.  This time will gradually increase over the next 2-3 weeks until they are no longer nursing. Mom still interacts with them throughout the day but she does so in shorter amounts of time. Puppies will participate in their first barrier challenge this week.  Once they are really interested in their food I will place it behind of barrier of some sort so that they can use their problem solving skills to help work through problems or obstacles.

red and white wavy coat goldendoodle
23 pounds, 17" tall
Red Abstract
red and white golden doodle stud



Multi-Generational Goldendoodle

32 pound, 18" tall




Masi & Maverik
Miniature Multi-generational Goldendoodles 20-30 pounds
Due: Born March 11, 2021
Match Date: Around April 21st
Go home: May 7th

Red or Red abstract with white markings:

1. Jann Boyer--Pink collar tiny girl

2. Brooke Jockin--lt. blue collar girl 

3. Mike and Kendra Cook--red collar boy

4. Amy Mink--Forest Green Boy 

White with red markings:

5.Bryan Clapper  Redwood City, CA--orange collar girl 

6. Mike Ackerman--Purple collar girl 

7.Heather Kooren Happy Valley, OR. Grey collar Boy

Masi and Maverik puppies born 3/11/2021

Masi and Maverik puppies born 3/11/2021

Masi and Maverik puppies born 3/11/2021
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Tube feeding our tiny tiny girl

Tube feeding our tiny tiny girl

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April 8, 2021

Masi's babies are all doing great!  They are all up walking and they have started playing and interacting with each other.  They still occasionally fall over as they toddle around but they are getting better and better every day! 

Puppies are all steady on their feet now and are starting to get more and more playful.  They are doing great with their potty training by using the potty area about 75% of the time.  When they don't use their potty area they are using their play area--they are keeping their sleep area completely clean.  

This is week two of the socialization period. Their little teeth are starting to erupt so this week puppies will start on solids and begin the process of weaning.  We take our cues from mama--when she starts standing up to nurse we know it's time to introduce soft solid foods.  First we will use ground food mixed with water. As they get used to eating and swallowing we will use regular food soaked in water until it is soft.  Mom has already started to wean by spending less time in the box with them.  This time will gradually increase over the next 2-3 weeks until they are no longer nursing. Mom still interacts with them throughout the day but she does so in shorter amounts of time. We feed the babies outside so they get used to going potty on grass--puppies usually eliminate within a few minutes of eating or drinking. They still don't spend a lot of time outside as they are still learning to walk and interact with the world around them safely.  

golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
tuxedo golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy


The babies are two weeks old now. They are just leaving the neonatal period and entering the transitional period which will last from 14-21 days.  


We expect everyone's eyes to be completely open in the next few days.  It will take a little while for them to be able to see clearly. Their ears are still closed and they can't hear much of what is going on around them. They are starting to move around more and more.  We hold and snuggle the puppies every day! During the next two weeks  we will begin to introduce them to a novel item (toy, new bedding etc.) and or a new experience daily.  These items and experiences will help to build a healthy startle/recover/curiosity/exploration cycle to lay the foundation for a confident puppy. 


As soon as everyone is up and walking we will divide the whelping box so they have two distinct areas for sleeping and potty.  This is the beginning of potty training.  Mom still spends a lot of the day with the babies but she will start leaving them more and more as they are able to keep warm on their own and they start walking and interacting with each other.  


Masi's babies are just past a week now.  Her labor was super fast and easy--about two hours total for all seven deliveries.  All of the puppies were born at 8-9 ounces except for our first born little tiny tiny girl.  The was born at just 4 ounces.  Our little tiny girl is doing great!  She was born active and vocal and has been responsive since the minute she arrived.  She lost weight in the first few days after birth so we supplemented with a couple of tube feedings each day for the first week.  She is latching and nursing all on her own now and we will continue to monitor her weight each day. 

We have three red and white puppies in this litter in addition to our tiny girl.  We have three families who have been waiting on the list for the three red and white puppies--I will continue to reach out for the other three puppies on Monday.  

Previous Puppies from Masi

Masi and Tucker
Miniature multi-gen Goldendoodles
25-30 pounds
Born July 22, 2020
Go home September 15, 2020

Masi had her puppies late Wednesday night.  She had two extreme parti males, one extreme parti female, one abstract male and one abstract female.  

These puppies will mature to be about 25-30 pounds full grown and about 17-19 inches. 



straight coat golden doodle
23 pounds, 17" tall
Red Abstract
cream goldendoodle stud



Multi-Generation English goldendoodle

27 pounds, 18" tall

Apricot Parti


non shedding

Masi Reservation  list

1) Janell Focht (Abstract female/purple collar) Pullman Wa Paid in Full

2) Caitlin Zumalt (Abstract male/Green) Lincoln CA Paid in Full

3) John & Amanda Hill (parti/Red collar male) Loveland OH paid in full

4) Brady Van Engelen (Parti Yellow collar female) CA Paid in Full

5) Hayley Kinseth (Parti Blue collar male) Dallas, TX Paid in Full

September 8, 2020


These little babies are all doing great. They are using the dog door to go potty without any accidents (yay!) and they are all eating hard food.  They put themselves to bed in their shared crates.  They don't sleep all by themselves yet.  This week we will keep working on learning to "sit to day please" and we will continue to introduce new experiences every day to prepare them to meet their new families! 

golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
parti golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy

August 31, 2020

The babies have had a big week!  They have moved into the bigger pen with access to the dog door.  Everyone is going in and out of the dog door--they still have a paper tray area in their inside pen where they occasionally go potty.  They are still getting their molars in so they prefer to eat soft mush food.  Over the next week they will start eating hard crunch food and they will be going potty outside 100% of the time.  We are working with them learning sit as a default "polite" way to greet us.  We introduce new toys and sounds to them each day and most of that is done by the kids around them!  They are held and snuggled and loved by our kids neighbors and cousins every single day!  They all do great with the kids and they love to be held.  

golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy
golden doodle puppy

August 11, 2020

Masi's babies are three weeks old!  This week they all opened their eyes and are toddling around on wobbling little legs. They moved to a bigger pen.  They have access to a crate to sleep in and they are ready to start potty training. They aren't quite ready to start using a dog door.  We will start solid soft foods this week and the babies will start spend time outside in the grass.  We will introduce them to new toys and items each day to help their little nervous systems develop. 

newborn golden doodle
newborn golden doodle
newborn golden doodle
newborn golden doodle
newborn golden doodle
newborn golden doodle
newborn golden doodle
newborn golden doodle
newborn golden doodle
newborn golden doodle
newborn golden doodle
newborn golden doodle
newborn golden doodle
newborn golden doodle
newborn golden doodle
newborn golden doodle
newborn golden doodle
newborn golden doodle
newborn golden doodle
newborn golden doodle

August 4, 2020

Masi and the babies are all doing great! We are watching and waiting for eyes to open.  They are still in the neonatal period where the babies can't see or hear.  They spend all of their time eating and snuggling with each other and with mama.  Everyone is gaining weight and growing right on schedule.  We hold and stimulate each puppy every day to help develop resilient nervous systems.  They will change dramatically this next week as they open their eyes and start toddling around on their little shaky legs. 

 Masi/Tucker 1 week

(Blue Boy) -wavy/straight extreme parti apricot/red   (Red boy) -wavy/straight extreme parti apricot/red

(Purple Girl) wavy/straight abstract apricot/red   (Yellow girl) -wavy/straight extreme parti apricot/red

 (Green boy) -wavy/straight abstract apricot/red 

Puppies are 1 week old and have all doubled their weight.  These first 3 weeks they grow so fast!

Momma is still doing most of the work right now feeding, cleaning, and keeping them warm and happy.  We are enjoying giving them short times of daily handling.     

 The puppies are entering their 2nd week of the Neonatal period.  When the puppies were 3 days old we started Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS). We will continue doing ENS until they are 16 days old.  ENS is a combination of different tests and stimuli that is designed to get your puppy comfortable being handled, desensitize him/her to discomforting touch, and get their brains working.  We perform a series of tasks from handling the puppy upright, upside-down, on his/her back, tickling his/ her toes, and setting them on a cold surface.



(Blue Boy) -wavy/straight extreme parti apricot/red   (Red boy) -wavy/straight extreme parti apricot/red

(Purple Girl) wavy/straight abstract apricot/red   (Yellow girl) -wavy/straight extreme parti apricot/red

 (Green boy) -wavy/straight abstract apricot/red 

Masi gave birth to 5 sweet babies late Wednesday July 22, 2020.  She was a champ and labor and delivery went quickly and well. As a first time mom it took Masi some time to figure out what was going on but by the time she had her 3rd puppy she started to figure out things and knew what to do.   Labor for Masi was just and hour and a half long!   All of the puppies in this litter will be wavy/straight.


The puppies have begun life and are in what is called the Neonatal period. Neonatal period last for two weeks.  During this time we pay close attention to the little pups to be sure they are thriving and growing.  Making sure everyone is eating and gaining weight.  Momma does most of the work right now and we just do a lot of observation.  Mom will tend to and care for her puppies instinctively and make sure all is well by keeping them fed, clean, and warm. We will begin stroking them and handling them right away to get them used to touching and handling as much as momma will permit.    

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Contact Us

Fonda Thompson-- 208-731-0053

Kimberly Hatch--208-421-2858

We are our kids' moms and puppy moms first which means we will get back to you as soon as we can. Text us!

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certified Preferred breeder on Good Dog
Certified preferred breeder on Tell Tail
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